0207 366 6338

Powerhouse is an organisation that continues to be service user led, with two thirds of its management committee consisting of women with learning disabilities. It is also an organisation that retains its focus on women with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse, a focus that it wishes to build upon.
Powerhouse provides a range of complimentary services that assist it to meet its aims and to move towards its purpose. The services provided by Powerhouse are best summarised under its Self Determination approach; an approach that has co-production and personalisation at its heart.
Maximising Life’s Opportunities : maximising opportunities to build positive relationships with family and friends; to develop the skills and practical knowledge; to support their access to mainstream services, housing and employment; and to contribute to and participate in their local community
Self Advocacy : key tool in enabling women with learning disabilities to take control over their lives and control of our organisation itself.
Overcoming Abuse : providing such women with support in the form of counselling, skills, knowledge, awareness, equality of opportunities etc; and by building evidence by co-producing information on incidence, impact and what works to inform commissioners and providers of services.